We Provide Solutions and
Shield You From Surprises!

Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Wills and Trusts

About us

Real Legal Solutions for Real People

Welcome to the website of Velazquez Consumer Law, LLC! Our firm serves the wonderful, hard-working people of Aurora and the Western Suburbs of Chicago. We provide exceptional legal services in the areas of estate planning, bankruptcy law, and real estate.

Central to our firm is the empathetic and compassionate service we give each client that allows us to fully understand your situation and goals. Above all, our responsive and hands-on approach to your legal issues yields actual results. To find out more about how we can help you, check out our Practice Areas.



Bankruptcy Law

If you are even considering filing for bankruptcy, you are probably overwhelmed with fear and unsure of your best option going forward.

Real Estate Law

Having an experienced real estate attorney can protect your interests and make sure that your desired outcome is achieved.

Wills & Trusts

There are a few things in life that everyone seems to put off; drafting their Last Will and Testament is one notable example.

Free Resource

Free Resources

Bankruptcy in Illinois

Why You Need an Estate Plan and 5 Documents You Need in It

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El Sr. Velázquez explicó todo con gran detalle, expuso el plan para mi situación y lo ejecutó perfectamente. No pensé que necesitaba un abogado certificado en bancarrotas, ¡p…

Un cliente satisfecho
Respectful and very informative. I appreciate the work you have done. When I first came to your office, I was a mess. Not only did you help me with my own bankruptcies, explained e…
Hazel R.
He was very knowledgeable and helpful. It was a good decision to hire him. I would highly recommend him to friends and family.
Jon W.

Realmente me ayudó mucho y siempre estuvo al tanto de mi caso, estuvo conmigo en todo. Él es el mejor.

Brandon R.
Orlando treated us great with respect and he also kept us informed all the way through our process. He also was very good at dealing with attorneys from debt collectors. Great, bei…
Michael A.
Orlando Velazquez was great and helped me ever step of the way he always found time to answer any questions about my case I would definitely recommend him to my family and friends.
Jose Velez
With best respect any Man can ask for. Helped me out with any questions I had. Hire the man, great guy! Shows nothing but love and cares for people.
Christian L.

Orlando Velázquez fue el mejor abogado que pude haber tenido para mi bancarrota. Me trató con respeto, respondió a todas mis preguntas, se aseguró de que entendiera el proceso …

Antonio M.
English and Spanish is important to me. Mr Orlando helped me understand better my process since the beginning to the end. Definitely I’ll recommend his services.
Jose Cordero

Si está buscando un buen abogado que sea conocedor, confiable, servicial y comprensivo, no busque más. El Sr. Orlando Velázquez le brindará el mejor servicio, estará en buenas…

Nelson Flores
We were treated with respect and he is very knowledgeable with our situation. I feel he was the best choice for our case. I would recommend him.
Stephanie A.

Muy respetuoso y comprensivo. La comprensión amistosa, él explica las cosas con cuidado.

Francisco T.
Mr. Velazquez made my husband and I feel so comfortable with the process and his direction. Best decision we made. We have even recommended individuals to Mr. Velazquez. Very patie…
Maribel G.
Extremely accommodating to my needs and punctual to all the tasks that needed to be accomplished for closing on my first home purchase. I was completely pleased with choosing to hi…
Salvador D.

Excelente y me trataron con respeto.

Jacinto L.
Orlando Velazquez was the best attorney I could have had for my bankruptcy. He treated with respect, answered all of my questions, made sure I understood the process and kept me up…
Antonio M.
He was incredibly informative and walked me through the process and set expectations. Absolutely recommend him to any of my friends or family.
Rick S.
Orlando was crucial in our home purchase process, always available even beyond office. I will be referring him to my network. A+ plus service. You will be in great hands.
Shawna A.
Él estaba muy bien informado y servicial. Fue una buena decisión contratarlo. Lo recomendaría altamente a amigos y familiares.
Jon W.

Orlando nos trató muy bien con respeto y también nos mantuvo informados durante todo el proceso. También era muy bueno en el trato con los abogados de los cobradores de deudas. …

Micheal A.

¡¡Absolutamente!! Muy claro en cada paso, muy respetuoso, conocedor, amable, excelente para señalar cada detalle de cada pregunta que tenía y también para señalar la importan…

Julio A.
Very responsive and helpful. I would recommend and use again if needed in the future.
Cassandra W.

El Sr. Velázquez hizo que mi esposo y yo nos sintiéramos muy cómodos con el proceso y su dirección. La mejor decisión que tomamos. Incluso hemos recomendado individuos al Sr. …

Maribel B.

Orlando fue maravilloso y me trató como a una familia, definitivamente trabajaré con él nuevamente. Gracias. Un servicio + más.

Amjad W.

Orlando fue crucial en nuestro proceso de compra de vivienda, siempre disponible incluso más allá de la oficina. Lo referiré a mi red. Servicio A+ más. Estarán en buenas manos.

Shawna A.
Orlando was wonderful and treated me as family, will definitely work with again. Thank you. A plus service.
Amjad W.

El Sr. Velázquez fue completamente profesional. Me trató con el máximo respeto y fue increíble trabajar con él. Trabajar con él fue la mejor decisión legal que he tomado. Fu…

Chad W.

Orlando Velázquez fue excelente y me ayudó en cada paso del camino. Siempre encontró tiempo para responder cualquier pregunta sobre mi caso. Definitivamente lo recomendaría a m…

Jose Velez
Very respectful and understanding. Friendly understanding explains things carefully.
Francisco T.

Extremadamente complaciente con mis necesidades y puntual en todas las tareas que debían realizarse para cerrar la compra de mi primera casa. Estaba completamente satisfecho con l…

Salvador D.

Con el mejor respeto que cualquier Hombre puede pedir. Me ayudó con cualquier pregunta que tenía. ¡Contrata al hombre, gran tipo! No muestra nada más qué amor y se preocupa po…

Christian L.
He has represented me with a bankruptcy and real estate closings, and I’m very satisfied with his representation. Excellent!
Angeles T.
Mr. Velazquez was a complete professional. He treated me with the utmost respect and was amazing to work with. It was the best legal decision I’ve ever made to work with him. It …
Chad W.
Mr. Orlando treated Very much with respect and made me feel very comfortable indeed. I’m very glad I chose Mr. Orlando Velazquez he always kept up with the case dates. I will des…
Consuelo L.
He really helped me out a lot and was always on top of my case he was there with me through everything. He’s the best.
Brandon R.
If you’re looking for a good lawyer that is knowledgeable, trustworthy, helpful and understanding, look no further Mr. Orlando Velazquez will provide you the best service, you’ll b…
Nelson Flores
Mr. Velazquez explained everything in great detail, laid out the plan for my situation and executed perfectly. I didn’t think I needed a certified bankruptcy attorney but I am gl…
A Satisfied Client
Excellent and treated me with respect.
Jacinto L.

Muy receptivo y servicial. Recomendaría y usaría nuevamente si fuera necesario en el futuro.

Cassandra W.

Me ha representado con una bancarrota y cierres de bienes raíces, y estoy muy satisfecho con su representación. ¡Excelente!

Angeles T.

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